Minor Variance Applications

The Committee of Adjustment is a Quasi-Judicial hearing board comprised of members of the public. Under the authority of the Planning Act, any municipal council that has passed a Zoning By-law, under Section 34 of the Act, may establish a Committee of Adjustment as the Town of Erin has done. The Town of Erin Committee of Adjustment consists of a chair and four other members. These are paid positions in which each Committee member is appointed by Town Council, running with the term of Council.

To obtain a Minor Variance, you must review the submission requirements, complete the application form, and submit it via email to coa@erin.ca, in-person at Town Hall, or by mail to the Secretary-Treasurer, 5684 Trafalgar Road, Hillsburgh ON N0B 1Z0.  


Rob Fletcher
Wayne Parkinson
Brad Bruce
Liz Crighton
William Oughtred

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Planning Act, the Committee considers and rules on applications for minor variance.

In assessing the merits of a Minor Variance application, the Committee of Adjustment considers documentation provided in the application, recommendations provided in a report from Planning staff, comments received from other municipal departments and agencies through circulation, and comments received from members of the general public.  Section 45(1) of the Act provides that the Committee may grant a variance from the provisions of the Zoning By-law, in respect of the land, building or structure or the use thereof, where, in its opinion, the application passes the following tests:

  • The application is considered to be minor in nature.
  • The application meets the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law.
  • The application meets the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan.
  • The application is considered to be desirable for the appropriate development or use of the property.

The Application for Minor Variance Form is available online. Please submit the completed application form to coa@erin.ca, in-person at Town Hall, or by mail to the Secretary-Treasurer, 5684 Trafalgar Road, Hillsburgh ON N0B 1Z0.  

All relevant material, documentation and fees must be submitted with your application.

Additional information may be required to review the application.  You can also include other relevant information that you feel might assist the Committee in their consideration of the application, i.e. photographs.

Submission requirements include:

  • a recent survey showing dimensions of the lands and the location of all buildings on the subject property including proposed additions and alterations
  • elevation drawing
  • proof of ownership of the land
  • application fee ($700)

Payment may be made in-person at Town Hall during business hours, mailed cheque, or online by e-transfer to epayments@erin.ca. If paying by e-transfer, please indicate your name, the address of the subject property, and the application type within the optional message. 

The Committee holds regular meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Office. At this time, meetings are held in-person. Persons who wish to speak to an item that is on an agenda are asked to register in advance by 4:30 p.m. the day before the meeting, by emailing the Secretary-Treasurer at coa@erin.ca, or calling 519.855.4407 ext. 223.

There are strict deadlines that must be met by both the applicant and Town staff when processing the application for minor variance.  In total, approximately 3 months is required from the time an application is filed to the completion of the 20 day appeal period.

Download the Hearing and Application Cut-off Dates for 2024

Notice of the Committee's decision is mailed or emailed to the property owner and other interested parties who requested a copy of the decision.

The decision may be subject to the completion of certain conditions, which will be outlined in the decision. It is up to the applicant to satisfy these conditions by the required date to avoid the decision lapsing.

2024 Notices of Decision

2023 Notices of Decision

2022 Notices of Decision

2021 Notices of Decision

If you feel you would like to appeal a decision of the Committee of Adjustment, visit the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) website to determine if you are eligible to make an appeal. The appeal must be made within 20 days of the decision and must outline your reasons for the appeal.

Committee decisions and meeting minutes are available by contacting the Committee of Adjustment Secretary-Treasurer.

Please direct inquiries related to the Committee of Adjustment to: coa@erin.ca 

Agendas and Minutes for COA Meetings prior to June 2022 and after May 2023 can be found on our Meetings and Agendas page: https://www.erin.ca/town-hall/town-council/meetings-and-agendas