The Town of Erin recently adopted a new corporate Strategic Plan for the current term of Council.
With a clear vision and mission set, it will shape Council's term goals and define the Town's objectives and priorities in a realistic, achievable and measurable way.
Our Vision Our Mission
The Town of Erin will be recognized for well-managed growth that is attractive to businesses, residents & visitors while preserving its unique rural and small town feel.
To achieve stable growth and long-term sustainability while creating a prosperous, healthy, environmentally progressive, livable, and inviting community though well managed municipal services, programs, assets and amenities.
Our Values
We are dedicated to the community we serve. We recognize the contributions of residents and facilitate partnership within the Town.
We are responsible for our actions. We are stewards of public funds and assets and responsible for delivering service excellence.
Service Excellence:
We perform consistently and promptly and always aim to meet or exceed the public's expectations.
We respect cultural and social diversity, the rights of others, and differing points of view. We create and open and inclusive workplace.
We connect with the public, appreciate their perspectives and share information. We devote ourselves to having a full understanding and being well informed on matters of importance to the Town.
We are responsive and transparent in our dealings with the public. We are trustworthy and forthcoming sources of information regarding the Town's finances, assets, operations, programs, plan and policies.
We aim to be agile, show initiative, be future focused, challenge the status quo, seek out new ways and learn from best practices globally.
Strategic Goals
Growth Management
Well-managed and environmentally sustainable growth, through the realization of the proposed wastewater servicing system needed to support an enviable, livable and flourishing future.
- 1. Obtain financing for the proposed wastewater servicing system
- Review the options and develop a plan to secure financing
- Conclude a financing agreement for the wastewater servicing project
- Undertake a Development Charges By-law update incorporating the cost of wastewater and water environmental assessments
- 3. Establish the parameters to guide the Town's future growth as a community which leads in sustainable practices, wellness, and takes account of community needs and views
- Develop a comprehensive communications plan to engage the community in discussing the parameters and benefits of well-managed growth, while respecting the environment and the Town;s unique character
- Update the Site Plan Control By-law
- Update the development standards manual (engineering)
- Review and amend the Official Plan to implement the Growth Management Strategy
- Review and amend community design guidelines
- Create architectural design guidelines
- Review and amend the Zoning By-law for urban standards
- Solicit required revisions to previously submitted developers' subdivision plans to reflect their potential ability to access to the wastewater system.
- 2. Manage the timely construction of the wastewater servicing project
- Completion of a Growth Management Strategy to inform Council decisions on the population growth targets for Erin and Hillsburgh and the residential, commercial and industrial properties to be given priority for wastewater and water allocations
- Complete the water environmental assessment for viable new water well sites
- Acquire land and make planning amendments for wastewater treatment plant site
- Design, tender and build the wastewater treatment plant
Invest in Community Assets
Invest in and maintain community assets that meet service excellence.
- 1. Develop comprehensive long-term plans for the Town's assets, facilities and equipment
- Adopt the Asset Management Plan and the policy for the asset management program and the management of municipal assets, including using key performance indicators and levels of service incorporating public consultation
- Develop multi-year plans for infrastructure, facilities and equipment repair, replacement, maintenance and additions associated with new growth
- Develop a community-wide Climate Change Adaptation Strategy
- Develop a Conservation Demand Management Plan and subsequent implementation plan
- Retrofit buildings, including energy conservation measures, based on assessment reports
- Review and update Standard Operating Procedures for Roads
- Implement the Water Source Protection Plan, under the pooled Wellington County Source Water Protection project
Economic Prosperity
Healthy and sustained economic growth, improve community well-being, and increase local employment opportunities.
- 1. Implement the Economic Development Plan
- Support retention and expansion of existing businesses and agricultural enterprises
- Foster entrepreneurship, innovation, economic diversification, and a knowledge-base economy
- Encourage and enable environmentally sustainable businesses
- Attract new investment
- Facilitate growth in tourism offerings, capacity and collaboration
- Attract and retain talent to match the Town's employment opportunities
- Market the advantages which differentiates the Town to attract investors, talent and visitors
- Make known the Town's future growth prospects and plans
- Promote, administer and monitor the Town's Community Improvement Plan (CIP)
- Update the employment lands inventory
- 2. Develop plans to be investment ready and capitalize on opportunities
- Contribute to economic development related to the Growth Management Strategy decisions
- Develop comprehensive and targeted marketing strategies for commercial and industrial lands that will be serviced
- Develop the value proposition for the Town as a preferred location for environmentally sustainable clean technology businesses
- 3. Take a leadership role in developing plans to secure access to affordable high-speed broadband service throughout the Town
- Support realization of the South Western Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT) project
- Facilitate access to the additional affordable high-speed broadband required by residents, businesses, farms and visitors prior to and beyond what SWIFT will deliver
Healthy Lifestyle and Vibrant Community
Sustain and foster the Town's unique, livable and nature-oriented charm and sense of place.
- 1. Preserve and foster the unique lifestyle, natural environment, and varied community amenities which differentiate and attract attention to the Town
- Develop a community value proposition and brand which articulate the Town's distinctive character and competitive advantages
- Preserve the Town's rural character and its main streets, small town charm and heritage
- Implement the Town's first Parks, Recreation and Culture
Master Plan - Implement the Erin Rotary Riverwalk Trail Feasibility Study
- Adopt Active Transportation and Wellness initiatives
- Foster the community's already strong partnerships and volunteerism
- Adopt amendments to the Official Plan, By-laws and other community guidelines to favour characteristics which distinguish the community, bring residents together and make the Town of Erin a magnet for visitors
Service Excellence and Good Governance
Establish and maintain high service standards.
- 1. Manage programs, services, assets and amenities while meeting accessibility standards
- Be Future Focused, agile and innovation
- Develop a comprehensive communication plan
- Aspire to professional, authentic, client-oriented relationships with residents, businesses, farmers, not-for-profits and developers
- Conduct a series of service delivery reviews
- 2. Position the Strategic Plan as the principal document guiding Town decision making
- Review and refresh the Strategic Plan each year as a basis for the annual business planning and budget cycles
- Publish an annual update that reports on the Strategic Plan progress and accomplishments
- 3. Prudent multi-year financial and resource management
- Prepare and approve annual operating capital budgets with three-year forecasts
- Continue to allocate budget to establish financial reserves which are adequate to fund anticipated infrastructure requirements and major projects
- Establish strong working relations among Council, staff and partner organizations
- Attract and retain high quality staff