Heritage Committee

Council Representative: Councillor Jamie Cheyne jamie.cheyne@erin.ca

For advice with respect to the restoration, renovation, demolitions or additions to heritage building, please contact building@erin.ca


Guiding Principles


Terms of Reference and Role of The Town of Erin Heritage Committee as defined by Council:

  • To initiate and provide Council with advice with respect to the  properties and districts under Parts IV and V of the Ontario Heritage Act. designation
  • To provide advice as to how the conservation of heritage features may be achieved through the adoption of appropriate municipal policies such as zoning by-laws and Official Plan policies under the Planning Act.
  • To establish criteria for the evaluation of properties of heritage value or interest.
  • To establish and maintain an inventory of properties of heritage value or interest, which inventory shall be forwarded to Council for information.
  • To promote the awareness of the Town of Erin's heritage through publications, events, public speaking, displays, signage and plaques.
  • To be circulated on all relevant development, demolition and capital project applications for the purposes of providing comments on any relevant matters.
  • To liaise between the Town and the Wellington County Museum and Archives and other heritage organizations, as desirable, to implement the objectives of the Town of Erin.
  • To provide advice to property owners with respect to the restoration of heritage buildings, or the making of sympathetic improvements thereto.
  • To report to Council on Heritage in a broader sense as it relates to man-made features (e.g. altered landscapes, architecture, archaeological remains), the natural environment (e.g. cultural landscapes, forests, wildlife, geology, rivers) and culture (e.g. oral history, skills, story, dance, music).
  • To advise Council as a means of conserving heritage properties through a variety of means, review available funding sources and advise on current heritage legislation.

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