Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan

All public institutions in Ontario, including municipalities, are required, by provincial legislation, to annually report on their energy and water use and greenhouse gas emissions, and to develop and post their local or corporate Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan at least once every 5 years. This legislation falls under Ontario Regulation 507/18 of the Electricity Act 1988. This is a recent update to the previous Green Energy Act. 

The Town of Erin's first Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan was for the 5-year period from 2014 to 2019.  In 2019, Council adopted the new Conservation Demand Management for 2020 to 2025 with a focus on energy conservation and demand management strategies becoming part of the fabric of decision making at the Town of Erin.

Energy Initiatives for 2020 - 2025

  1. The Town will implement, at minimum, ASHRAE Level 2 energy audits on its top three energy consuming facilities within the next calendar year. These three facilities represent over 75% of the total energy costs of all the Town's corporate facilities. This was completed in September 2019. 
  2. Energy and water conservation efficiency projects/ programs developed by the E&S Committee, where funding is not available, will be incorporated into the annual operating and capital budget process. 
  3. The E&S Committee will consider incorporating recommendations for corporate fleet vehicles and equipment fuel reduction strategies. Fuel (diesel and gasoline) along with fuel oil and natural gas are the largest corporate contributors to GHG emissions. 
  4. The Town will utilize available incentive funding and favourable financing opportunities to improve the financial return of energy and water conservation projects. 
  5. Business cases will be provided for energy and water CDM projects. Business cases will include the project base case(s) vs. the alternative CDM option(s). For CDM retrofit projects the "base case" is typically standard efficiency replacement option (e.g. a mid efficiency boiler vs. a high efficiency boiler). Business cases will identify the following:
    1. The base case and energy efficient option(s) being compared and why.
    2. Project and equipment costs for each option. For capital replacement projects the business case will also include the incremental cost differences. 
    3. Energy or water consumption and energy demand, i.e., for both the base case and the proposed energy efficient option(s).
    4. Annual energy and water consumption and cost savings.
    5. Annual maintenance and operational savings.
    6. Financial or utility incentive/ funding.
    7. Life cycle costing, payback and other financial measures as determined by Finance. 
  6. Energy rate escalators will be factored into the business case analysis using most recent forecasts as determined by Finance. 
  7. Consideration will be given to current and future costs e.g. carbon pricing impacts on Town operations. This may be considered as parts of the financial benefits of energy and water conservation initiatives. 
  8. The Town will continue work with the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) to explore and develop opportunities for energy and water CDM improvements. All capital requests must include options for energy efficiency improvements. 

Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan 2025 to 2029