Road Maintenance

In the spring of the year, load restrictions are in place when the roads are subject to breakup. The By-law comes into effect when the signs are erected on the section of the road in question and remains in effect until the signs are removed.

Unfortunately this is a common occurrence on gravel roads when the frost is coming out in the spring of each year. This is a top down thaw so soft materials sits atop the frozen materials below. Everything is done that can be done to lesson or eliminate the problem. Warning signs and traffic delineators may be placed to assist you. If road conditions deteriorate and become impassible, the road will be closed to prevent accidents or damage to vehicles. Please drive according to road conditions. It is only temporary, but can be very frustrating to everyone involved. Your care and patience is appreciated.

Every year the Town of Erin endeavours to have street sweeping completed by the 1st of June, weather permitting. Contractors perform the street sweeping service for the Town of Erin. They are given comprehensive maps of the areas requiring sweeping. It may take several weeks to complete sweeping in the municipality, depending on the weather. Your street will be swept. Unfortunately, it may be a little noisy and very dusty during the street sweeping process. Once the sweeping has been completed there may still be some dust as these very fine particles of sand are left until the first rain washes them away. Your understanding and cooperation is appreciated.

Maintenance Gravel is applied to select roads as soon as the roads are in a condition to carry loaded gravel trucks (sometime between May 1 and May 15). Once maintenance gravel application has begun, it means that there will be a large volume of gravel truck travel in specific areas of the municipality. This is only temporary and does not mean that your road has become a haul route for gravel trucks. This is usually approximately a six week process.

Dust Control in the form of Calcium Chloride or Sodium Chloride brine is applied to gravel roads once the application of maintenance gravel has been completed. We aim for a July 1 completion, depending on weather.

Roadside Weed Control is managed with summer cutting. Please advise the Roads Department of any unsafe intersection visibility due to long grass and/ or weeds. Ontario has been experiencing a problem with Phragmites which is a long reed grass invading the roadside ditches and wetlands. The Town of Erin has a roadside spraying program underway for eradication this species only.

During the winter months the roads department operations are completed in accordance with Ontario Regulation 239/02 - Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways. A routine daily winter road patrol is completed to identify problem areas and to give appropriate attention to them. Trucks with flashing blue lights are performing winter maintenance. Please give them room to work and pass them with caution as visibility may be compromised by blowing snow. If a snowplow stops, it is likely to back up, so please give them lots of room. You can see them, but if you are driving a small car they may not see you if you are following too closely.

Contact Us:

Roads Superintendent: Greg Delfosse
519.855.4407 EXT. 227