Scrutineer Information

Appointment - by candidate – qualification 

A candidate may appoint scrutineers to represent him/her during the counting of the votes, including during a recount. 

The appointment shall be made using the “Appointment of Scrutineer By Candidate” [Form ERIN-22].  The forms to appoint scrutineers, must be signed by the candidate, in person at the Municipal Office.  The candidate shall be asked for proof of identity.  The candidate shall provide this signed form to their scrutineer.

Number - per candidate - in Ballot Counting Centre - one only

Only one certified candidate or his/her appointed scrutineer may be in attendance at the Ballot Counting Centre or opening of the Return Envelopes at the hours designated for such openings for the purpose of striking electors names from the Voters’ List.

Appointment – Evidence of

A person appointed as a Scrutineer, before being admitted to a Ballot Counting Centre or during the processing of Return Envelopes, shall show proof of his/her applicable appointment to the election official for the Ballot Counting Centre or the place where votes are being counted and Return Envelopes being processed, and shall provide proof of identity and residence as prescribed in the regulations.

Scrutineers Rights and Prohibitions

Each Scrutineer shall be responsible for his/her conduct, rights and prohibitions as set out on the applicable appointment form.

On Election Day

Ballot Counting Centre

Any certified candidate or appointed scrutineer who attends at the Ballot Counting Centre or the place where votes are being counted and Return Envelopes being processed must comply with any health and safety requirements that may, in the opinion of the Town Clerk, be necessary for the health and well being of election workers, Town staff and the public. This may include COVID-19 protections such as pre-screening, proof of vaccination and masks. 

Before being admitted to a Ballot Counting Centre, upon request by the Clerk or Deputy Returning Officer, Candidates, Scrutineers and Election Officials shall be required to show proof of identity as prescribed in regulations.

Before being admitted to a Ballot Counting Centre, a person appointed as scrutineer shall also produce and show his/her Appointment of Scrutineer By Candidate (Form ERIN-22) to the Clerk or Deputy Returning Officer for the Ballot Counting Centre and take the prescribed oath of secrecy (Form ERIN-25) from the Clerk or Deputy Returning Officer before being permitted to remain in the Ballot Counting Centre. 

Any candidate or scrutineer who interferes with the vote count in any manner will be asked to leave the counting location, however, he/she will be asked to remain in another locked down area until the results have been announced by the Clerk.  This decision shall be at the sole discretion of the Clerk.  ANYONE creating a disturbance at the Ballot Counting Centre can be removed as directed by the Clerk or Deputy Returning Officer.


Only the Clerk, Deputy Returning Officer, appointed Election Officials, certified Candidates and authorized Scrutineers will be permitted to remain in the Counting Centre (an acclaimed Candidate or their scrutineer IS NOT permitted).