Erin passes County-wide Noise By-law

Date: Apr 30, 2024

The Town of Erin has passed a new noise bylaw in alignment with the County of Wellington and fellow municipalities.

The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), which enforces noise bylaws in the area, requested a unified bylaw across the county to aid in responding to noise concerns.

In response, The County of Wellington collaborated with member municipalities to develop a set of county-wide regulations for unusual noise, or noise which may disturb the public.

“The Town of Erin and the participating municipalities have experienced issues relating to noise which the existing by-law doesn’t capture,” said Town of Erin municipal law enforcement officer, Martyna Sliwiak.

This bylaw includes general prohibitions on noise at any time, set fines and a list of exemptions, including one for snow removal on public and private property. 

This bylaw includes 24-hour enforcement and a schedule that outlines reasonable times for specific noise, including that related to construction, applicable town-wide.

“Having approved the county-wide standardized noise bylaw allows the OPP to provide enforcement of the by-law within the Town of Erin,” said Erin Mayor Michael Dehn.

Under this new by-law, noise exemptions can be issued by the Town clerk.

Applications for noise exemptions are to be made in writing to the clerk 30 days in advance of the timeframe for the requested exemption.

The new bylaw comes into effect May 1.